UPDATE (5/2/2024 12:30 pm) - File system and connectivity issues have been resolved.

UPDATE (4/25/2024 3:40 pm) - We are still receiving reports of connection and storage issues. Samba authentication is also currently down. We are working to resolve these issues. If you encounter any additional issues, please contact us.

UPDATE (4/25/2024 1:00 pm) - We are still receiving reports of connection and storage issues, specifically localized around dev-amd20. We are working to resolve the issue. Please use different development nodes in the meantime. If you encounter any additional issues, please contact us.

UPDATE (4/25/2024 11:45 am) - We have resolved slowdown issues related to the file system on the cluster. If you encounter any additional issues, please contact us.

UPDATE (4/25/2024 8:45 am) - We have received reports of slow responses to commands on the system and are investigating.

UPDATE (4/24/2024 4:05 pm) - During upgrade and hardware refresh of our home filesystem, an unforseen error caused an outage. The problem node has been removed from service and all services should be available. If you encounter any additional issues, please contact us.

At approximately 3:00 pm on 4/24/24 we started having an issue with our home filesystem that is impacting logins. We are investigating and will post an update once we have additional information.